Frequently Asked Questions on Order Flower & Gifts online

Flower Delivery Florist Location & FAQs

How to make payment when I order flower or gifts online?

We provide the most convenience of various payment method. We accept,

  • All major credit cards (Visa, Master, Amex, Discovery, Credit, and Debit) worldwide.
  • FPX online e-banking from all major banking in Malaysia.
  • eWallet transfer.
  • Direct Banking transfer to our business bank account number via Cheque/ corporate TT/ ATM/ Cash Deposit.

Unfortunately we not able to take any order via phone call or messages. All orders has to be placed from our website. Alternatively for bulk orders, we would accept order by sending us the ordering details to our email at [email protected]

Currently we only offer products and arrangements options found on our website. However, we appreciate any suggestions if you if you would like to see type of bouquet or flower being offered in our website. Simply suggest it in the live chat and we will strive to add it to our collection as soon as possible.

You will receive an order confirmation email at the email address provided to us. It will be an automatically generated email, so do check your spam or junk folder if you do not see the email in your inbox.

Invoice is attached together with the Order Confirmation email that send to you upon ordering. If you are registered user, you may also retrieve the invoice of your orders from ‘My Account’ after logged in.

Usually this happen is because of incorrect postcode, city, state in shipping address. Also item selected could be lower than minimum item price required or the item is only limited to certain area. You may see more details at Delivery & Shipping.

If you need to change shipping address, any recipient details or card messages, please send the details to inform us in email, messages or live chat. Changes to order details should be done at least 24 hours or one (1) day before your intended delivery date. Our team will not guarantee on any last minute changes on the day of delivery. This is to make sure your order will be able for dispatch to delivered on time.

Any request of order cancellation has to be in written email to [email protected]

  • Any cancellation of order is subjected to either no refund or only partial refund.
  • Cancellation of order that already in the progress of delivery will not be accepted.

It is your responsibility to note on our Cancellation, Refund & Return policy mentioned in Terms & Conditions. Failure to do so will deem your request to cancel the order and refund invalid.

Generally, we could arrange delivery to all major cities of all States in Malaysia. There are items only available to certain location and this will be indicated on the product page specifically.

We offer free delivery service on orders delivering within Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley. Other delivery charges is varies depend on areas and States in Malaysia. More details of delivery charges is explained in Shipping & Delivery

We do provide Same Day delivery service, only within Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley. We are not able to fulfill same day delivery service during festive or peak season. We also encourage our client to avoid schedule same day delivery on Sundays or Public Holidays.

Once we have the dispatch courier returns providing the delivery status to our fulfillment center, we will able to update all customers on their order status via email.
Thus, you will receive an email of delivery confirming the successful delivery of your order. However, still this update is not real-time, please expect some delays of this email. Until then, we unfortunately are unable to provide constant and more detailed information on the status of your order.

No, unfortunately we does not offer any self pick up service. We deliver 100% of our orders and do not operate a storefront business.

No, unfortunately not. We will not able to provide customize service due to limitation of availability. Fruits and flowers are perishable items where stocks will always keep to minimum to maintain only the freshest at all time. Some fruits and flowers are even seasonal.

The flowers, fruits, fillers, and foliage come to us in different shapes, sizes, and stages of bloom. Our florists will always do their best to replicate the pictures seen on our website and social media. Rest assured that even if the hamper gift you received is slightly different, it have been arranged with utmost care and attention.

We offer refund or replacement only in the event of negligence by FloryGift. We cannot be held responsible and to provide refund or replace on fruits or gifts affected by circumstances beyond our control, such as broken, damage, neglect after goods are received or goods being stored in extreme environment after received. It is the responsibility of the recipient to care for the fruits, flowers and gifts once it has been delivered.
Any dispute or claim shall be officially logged in and communicated either through email at [email protected] or telephone call to our team within 24 hours after receiving the goods. Please provide order number, item purchase, several pictures of the defective product, and reasons on why are you requesting for a return or refund.