Flower Basket


Flower basket will be the best choice not only to bring some smiles to your recipient yet it can be their best gift to display flower arrangement at their favorite space. We have dozens of creatively weaved flower basket selections for every occasions from anniversary flowers, get well flowers, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthday which are all artistically hand arranged by our skilled florist in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor and flower experts fulfilling flower delivery in Malaysia.

Original price was: RM180.00.Current price is: RM169.00.
Original price was: RM318.00.Current price is: RM285.00.
Original price was: RM223.00.Current price is: RM188.00.
Original price was: RM188.00.Current price is: RM149.00.
Original price was: RM199.00.Current price is: RM180.00.

Impressive creation of flower basket that brings joy and a lots of loves & smiles…

Looking for the best flower basket that you can order? There is never a wrong time to send flower basket. FloryGift bright, colorful and fresh flower basket make a thoughtful gift for any type of occasion. Floral gifts are the perfect way to show how much you care. Trust FloryGift’s flower basket for local high quality flower arrangements designed to cheer, love, sympathetic and care. Our flower basket is expertly hand arranged and hand delivered to each recipient to show our customer’s emotion and sentiments to their love one, friends and families.

FloryGift online shop is not only focus in floral gift product business, we believes that florist professional services includes the ability to deliver love, sentiments and emotions. Through our wide range of premium quality flower basket and using the art of floral in flower arrangement, we make flower baskets become special and meaningful gift givings for our customer.

Please feel free to browse and click around as you shopping for perfect basket of any occasion. Our stunning mixed flower basket of roses are known for its beautiful finest bloom of imported Grade A++ quality. It’s because of these standards that FloryGift has become a new leading source for fresh and beautiful flower basket.

FloryGift provide reliable FREE flower delivery in Kuala Lumpur Klang Valley and can even offer same day delivery services without charges. If you need to deliver across other states in Malaysia, our dependable florist network offers nationwide flower delivery. FloryGift flower basket has the best reliable quality, look no further. Order and send a flower basket today!

Flower Basket Delivery Malaysia

Most popular flower basket delivery in Malaysia. Sometimes you don’t even need a special occasion to send flower or send some gifts to someone you care.

Flower Delivery Florist Location & FAQs