Flower Bouquet


Flower bouquet is often the most handy gifts given for special occasions such as birthday or anniversary. Our handheld flower bouquets or hand bouquets collections are among the creative flower arrangement of our premium quality roses, lilies, gerberas, orchids and more. Surprise your loved one with one of these elegant and colorful flower bouquet. Order your perfect flower bouquet today!

Original price was: RM79.00.Current price is: RM68.00.
Original price was: RM85.00.Current price is: RM79.00.
Original price was: RM57.00.Current price is: RM48.00.
Original price was: RM228.00.Current price is: RM210.00.
Original price was: RM85.00.Current price is: RM79.00.
Original price was: RM228.00.Current price is: RM199.00.
Original price was: RM136.00.Current price is: RM122.00.
Original price was: RM200.00.Current price is: RM185.00.
Original price was: RM157.00.Current price is: RM139.00.
Original price was: RM288.00.Current price is: RM269.00.

You know she definitely deserves more than just flowers…send her premium quality flower bouquet.

Flower bouquet in FloryGift uses only freshly imported high graded flowers to maintain premium quality of our flower arrangement. Our stunning love hand bouquet of  roses, lilies and daisies are known for its beautiful finest bloom of imported Grade A++ quality. It’s because of these standards that FloryGift has become a new leading source for fresh and beautiful flower bouquets.

This section is created mainly to assist you to find the perfect flower bouquet for anyone in your world. FloryGift online shop has extensive vast range collections of flower bouquet design for any style, be it traditional or modern styles to suite any occasions, celebration and appreciation. Beside stunning rose bouquet and lily bouquet, our variety of bouquets extensively include sunflower, orchid, gerberas, stargazers or mix flowers.

All our bunch of flower bouquet are always expertly hand arranged by florist and hand delivered so the person you are sending feels your conveyed sentiments. Not only that we are in floral gift product business, FloryGift believes that professional florist services need to have the ability to deliver love, sentiments and emotions. Through our wide range of premium quality flower bouquet and using the art of floral, we make flower bouquets become special and meaningful gift givings for customer.

Please feel free to browse and click around as you shopping for perfect bouquets of any occasion and events such as Valentine Day, Birthday, Graduation or Mother’s Day. Another big thing that you must know, FloryGift as florist in KL, offers FREE Delivery service to orders send within Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley, Malaysia.

Flower Bouquet Delivery Malaysia

Most popular flower bouquet delivery in Malaysia. Sometimes you don’t even need a special occasion to send flower or send some gifts to someone you care.

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